IDA Sync was written to allow multiple analysts to synchronize their reverse engineering efforts with IDA Pro in real time. Users connect to a central server through the ida_sync plugin. Once connected, all comments and name changes made with the registered hot keys are immediately transmitted to all other users working on the same project. The central server stores a copy of all changes as well, allowing new analysts to jump on the project and immediately receive up to date information.
插件虽然不错,但是编译的版本却太古老了,跟文物是的。于是我重新编译了一下,使用ida 6.2的sdk,服务端没有进行修改。
服务端使用python编写的,但是用了一个叫做Mk4py的插件,这个鸟插件也是好几百年没更新了,在python 2.6下虽然编译过了,但是不能运行。没有办法只好采用2.4的python。这个也确实够蛋疼的。
; IDA Sync Hotkeys
IDA_Sync_-_Indented_Comment IDA_SYNC_PLUGIN Alt-Shift-: 1
IDA_Sync_-_Repeatable_Comment IDA_SYNC_PLUGIN Alt-Shift-R 2
IDA_Sync_-_Name IDA_SYNC_PLUGIN Alt-Shift-N 3
IDA_Sync_-_Push_All_Function_Names IDA_SYNC_PLUGIN Alt-Shift-P 4
服务端只要安装python 2.4即可,其余的可以直接执行,详情可以直接根据INSTALL.txt进行安装。