WSock32 Hook send and recv Functions

最近开始研究应用层的Hook,但是由于时间紧迫,所以也没什么深入的东西。这个程序是基于《Windows Via C/C++》的基础上改出来的。所以所有的技术都是作者的,原理呢,就是这个原理了,这里只是hook了send和recv函数,其他的函数hook方式是一样的。自己改一下就可以了。


Module:  Wsock32Hook.cpp
Notices: Hook wsock32 send and recv functions

#include "..\..\CommonFiles\CmnHdr.h"
#include "APIHook.h"

#define WSOCK32HOOKAPI extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#include "Wdll.h"


// Prototypes for the hooked functions
typedef int (WINAPI *PFNSEND)(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags);

typedef int (WINAPI *PFNRECV)(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags);

extern CAPIHook g_Send;
extern CAPIHook g_Recv;


// This function sends the Send data to our main dialog box
void SendLastMsgInfo(BOOL bUnicode,char *buf) {

		// Get Send Datas
		wchar_t szProcessPathname[MAX_PATH];
		GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szProcessPathname, MAX_PATH);
		wchar_t sz[2048];
		StringCchPrintfW(sz, _countof(sz), bUnicode 
			? L"Send data: %s\n"
			: L"Send data: %s\n",

		// Send the string to the main dialog box
		COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0, ((DWORD)wcslen(sz) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t), sz };
		FORWARD_WM_COPYDATA(FindWindow(NULL, TEXT("Wsock32hook by obaby")), 
			NULL, &cds, SendMessage);

// This function sends the Recv data to our main dialog box
void RecvLastMsgInfo(BOOL bUnicode,char *buf) {

	// Get the Recv Datas
	wchar_t szProcessPathname[MAX_PATH];
	GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szProcessPathname, MAX_PATH);
	wchar_t sz[2048];
	StringCchPrintfW(sz, _countof(sz), bUnicode 
		? L"Recv data: %s\n"
		: L"Recv data: %s\n",

	// Send the string to the main dialog box
	COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0, ((DWORD)wcslen(sz) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t), sz };
	FORWARD_WM_COPYDATA(FindWindow(NULL, TEXT("Wsock32hook by obaby")), 
		NULL, &cds, SendMessage);

// This is the send replacement function
int WINAPI Hook_Send(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags) 

		// Call the original send function
		int nResult = ((PFNSEND)(PROC) g_Send)
			(s, buf, len, flags);

		// Send the information to the main dialog box
		SendLastMsgInfo(FALSE, buf);

		// Return the result back to the caller


// This is the recv replacement function
int WINAPI Hook_Recv(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags) {

		// Call the original recv function
		int nResult = ((PFNRECV)(PROC) g_Recv)
			(s, buf, len, flags);

		// Send the information to the main dialog box
		RecvLastMsgInfo(FALSE, buf);

		// Return the result back to the caller


// Hook the send and recv functions
CAPIHook g_Send("wsock32.dll", "send", 
	(PROC) Hook_Send);

CAPIHook g_Recv("wsock32.dll", "recv", 
	(PROC) Hook_Recv);

HHOOK g_hhook = NULL;


static LRESULT WINAPI GetMsgProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
	return(CallNextHookEx(g_hhook, code, wParam, lParam));


// Returns the HMODULE that contains the specified memory address
static HMODULE ModuleFromAddress(PVOID pv) {

	return((VirtualQuery(pv, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)) != 0) 
		? (HMODULE) mbi.AllocationBase : NULL);


BOOL WINAPI Wsock32_HookAllApps(BOOL bInstall, DWORD dwThreadId) {

	BOOL bOk;

	if (bInstall) {

		chASSERT(g_hhook == NULL); // Illegal to install twice in a row

		// Install the Windows' hook
		g_hhook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_GETMESSAGE, GetMsgProc, 
			ModuleFromAddress(Wsock32_HookAllApps), dwThreadId);

		bOk = (g_hhook != NULL);
	} else {

		chASSERT(g_hhook != NULL); // Can't uninstall if not installed
		bOk = UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hhook);
		g_hhook = NULL;


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1 comment

  1. 公主 Queen 
    Opera Mini 4 Opera Mini 4 J2ME/MIDP Device J2ME/MIDP Device cn北京市 世纪互联数据中心

    hook the wsock32.dll send and recv functions , any problem ?


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